PTC Raises over $1,200

The Parent Teacher Committee (PTC) sponsored Rummage Sale on Saturday, January 31 was a resounding success! The PTC worked very hard to plan, organize and direct this fantastic event which resulted in a total of $1,279 being raised for the school! In addition to the PTC, staff, and families who helped support this endeavor, we specifically thank Anthony and LeNore Warren, Garret and Janet Medeiros, Lila Marantz, Laurine Pagaduan, Kris Sproat, Ralph Aona, Carmen Pilien, Penny Rapoza, Lisa Maa, Denise Iseri-Matsubara, Cary Rupert, Frandee Lum, Mele Manu, Malia Clemons, Kenui Flores, Brenda Jiannino, Darrell Schuetz, Jesselyn Oketani, Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. Kong, Mrs. Knott, Mrs. Gunderman, Mrs. Dunn, and Mrs. Eyer for their time and commitment. And we owe an extra bit of gratitude to the PTC Rummage Sale Committee/Organizers, Nalani Nelson, Kathleen Funk-Linton, and Victoria Flores who put in numerous hours to assure the success of this wonderful fundraiser. <br><br> Mahalo to all for a job well done!!